Abdoulaye Nazaire Gnienhoun, Juriste, Chargé de projet ONU et Union Africaine Depuis quelques semaines, l’opinion africaine et internationale suit avec intérêt la situation politique au Togo. D’impressionnantes marrées humaines, structurées autour d’organisations de la société civile et de… Read More
Clothilde Alves VIEIRA, Juriste, stagiaire au CEJA Le rideau vient de tomber sur la trente-cinquième session du Conseil des droits de l’Homme qui s’est tenue du 6 au 23 juin 2017 à Genève durant laquelle la protection ainsi… Read More
We, lawyers and specialists in African law, are deeply concerned about the dramatic political, economic and social environment in which live the majority of African populations. The paradox is that this beautiful continent is full of many resources (human as well as natural) available to meet the basic needs of these people.
We are certain that the paternalism of power leads to bad leadership and delinquency of African States while perpetuating the ignorance of universal rules and values, especially in the African context.
We are convinced that a smooth and long-term development of the continent (according to what the Africans desire) cannot be achieved without the knowledge and the effective application of law at all levels (regional, national and continental).
We are convinced that only the knowledge of law and its effective application will lead Africans to build a newer Africa that corresponds to the desires of its people.
We are determined to work for a better visibility and a better application of law on the continent.
We hereby solemnly commit ourselves to put together our legal as well as human competencies to serve Africa for a deeper and effective change of the mentality as well as for better living conditions on our continent.
Posted: 7 July 2018 by Webmaster
Adoption de la loi organique pour l’élimination des violences de genre en Tunisie
Prof. Hajer Gueldich, Professeure agrégée en Droit international aux Universités de Carthage et de Kairouan- Tunisie Membre élue de la Commission de l’Union africaine pour le Droit international (CUADI) Bien que la Tunisie soit considérée comme un pays… Read More