FRANÇAIS | العربية | PORTUGUÊS      CEJA e-Learning +41 (0) 76 594 73 88

In class education

In class education takes place in one of the cities in Africa or elsewhere by the invitation or collaboration of local partners. It will be mainly based on specific questions for the people who need to deepen their knowledge which could immediately be applicable in their daily professional activities. Each course taught by a CEJA’s teacher or by a guest lecturer will be a combination of an interactive lecture and group work on a specific case. A restitution of those case studies will be done by means of presentations by the representatives of the various groups followed by general discussions.

Dates, courses and registration modalities for those in class education sessions will be posted on our website and announced via other means of communication that suits the country and the region where the sessions will take place.

This type of education can also be organized at the request of any public or private organization, international or local. It concerns any subject matter relevant to the area of expertise of the center.