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Download the CEJA Annual Report 2023
Download the CEJA Annual Report 2023
CEJA will hold its General Assembly on Saturday 15 April 2023
CEJA will hold its General Assembly on Saturday 15 April 2023
Convention between CEJA and IDE on the MOOC on the protection of human rights and civil space in Africa
Convention between CEJA and IDE on the MOOC on the protection of human rights and civil space in Africa
Meeting with the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association
Meeting with the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association
Review of the 1st edition of the Competition “Human Rights, Social Cohesion and Me” for high school students in the Central African Republic
Review of the 1st edition of the Competition “Human Rights, Social Cohesion and Me” for high school students in the Central African Republic
Download the CEJA Newsletter Number 12 of June 2022
Download the CEJA Newsletter Number 12 of June 2022
Certificat de formation continue en Droit, médecine légale et science forensique en Afrique - Université de Genève - 2 septembre 2019 - 28 février 2020
2nd session of the CAS Law, legal medicine and forensic science in Africa, June 2020- February 2021
Certificat de formation continue en Droit, médecine légale et science forensique en Afrique - Université de Genève - 2 septembre 2019 - 28 février 2020
CAS article in the Cossonay region newspaper
CAS article in the Cossonay region newspaper
CAS article in the Cossonay region newspaper
Our online library has been enriched with Theses, dissertations and articles!
Our online library has been enriched with Theses, dissertations and articles!
Our online library has been enriched with Theses, dissertations and articles!
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