La seconde session du CAS en Droit, médecine légale et science forensique en Afrique sera organisée de juin 2020 à février 2021, avec des cours en présentiel du 31 août 2020 au 5-Octobre 2020. ( et Cette formation,… Read More
LE CEJA a le plaisir de souhaiter la bienvenue aux cinq étudiants du Master 2 Droit des Libertés de la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Caen- Normandie qu’il accueille dans le cadre de leur stage académique et… Read More
Since January 1, 2019, the CEJA has a new Steering Committee. More information on new members :
Download the 7th issue of the CEJA Newsletter!
Du 27 au 28 août 2018, le CEJA a été invité à prendre part à la première édition de l’Université d’été Contrôle des lieux privatifs de liberté : approche pluridisciplinaire organisé par la Faculté de droit et criminologie… Read More
Allocution de Mlle Shannon Valentino sur le Burundi à la 38ème session du Conseil des droits de l’homme, Genève, 27 juin 2018 Panel Discussion on the Impact of Violence against Women – 11th Meeting, 38th Regular Session Human… Read More
We, lawyers and specialists in African law, are deeply concerned about the dramatic political, economic and social environment in which live the majority of African populations. The paradox is that this beautiful continent is full of many resources (human as well as natural) available to meet the basic needs of these people.
We are certain that the paternalism of power leads to bad leadership and delinquency of African States while perpetuating the ignorance of universal rules and values, especially in the African context.
We are convinced that a smooth and long-term development of the continent (according to what the Africans desire) cannot be achieved without the knowledge and the effective application of law at all levels (regional, national and continental).
We are convinced that only the knowledge of law and its effective application will lead Africans to build a newer Africa that corresponds to the desires of its people.
We are determined to work for a better visibility and a better application of law on the continent.
We hereby solemnly commit ourselves to put together our legal as well as human competencies to serve Africa for a deeper and effective change of the mentality as well as for better living conditions on our continent.
Last Updated: 5 May 2020 by Webmaster
Press: CAS article in the Cossonay region newspaper
Download link: Article sur le CAS dans le journal de la région de Cossonay